As the country entered the Great Depression, Edgar Morrison stayed true to an idea: to open an automobile repair shop on the corner of Fourth and Saint Joseph Street in Rapid City. He’d fix things. Maybe tinker a little. Employ people. Provide outstanding customer service.

His shop became known as The Motor Service Building and over the years transformed into a Studebaker dealership... even a classic car showroom.

Marked by its curved roof and historic neon signs, today it is home to a new community of workers. People who fix things, employ people, and yes, like Edgar, provide unmatched customer service... in new and innovative ways. 

The building was recently placed on the Historical Registry, and underwent exterior restoration to the brickwork, neon signs and front awnings. In the spring of 2014, the building was purchased by MAC Construction and Numad Investments, and nearly a half million dollars went into renovating the interior space for the new coworking concept.

The new coworking space opened on September 15, 2014.